Lots of retirees are finding themselves unable to maintain the lifestyle they had wished to as they just don’t have the funds to do so. It could be just that their pensions are not paying what they thought they hoped for or need. It might also be that interest rates on savings being low. Or just because their overheads have increased considerably.

If this sounds like you, we can discuss ways to use your property to provide an income to you.

Why clients over the age of 55 use Equity Release products

Retirement mortgage

This is a recent way of borrowing funds against your property value. It is an interest only Mortgage for life. You are able to raise funds for any legal purpose. Our clients have used this product to either repay an existing interest only mortgage or to purchase a property. The amount of money you can borrow depends on the value of your property and your current and future pension income.

DMFS take our commitment to you seriously and we carry out in depth calculations to ensure that your retirement income, will support your monthly repayments as well as ensuring that you can maintain your expected standard of living.

Draw Down Plans

This is where you can take out an initial lump sum and have a further pre-agreed sum of funds for your use, if and when you require them them. You don’t pay for these funds unless you use them.

Clients who have used this facility tend to do so to top up their monthly or annual income. You can also use it for the luxuries that they couldn’t afford without having these funds available.

All products carry their own terms and conditions, all of which will be explained to you in detail before you’re committed to any application by a qualified advisor.

Simply email us or call 0800 298 0678 to find to find out if your policy is still right for your individual needs. Let us check to see if you’re getting the right deal.

To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration